saturn year 2004


itīs my first photo of planet saturn!

saturn on 2004 february 06th approx. 11:00pm cet, recorded with Digicam - praktika 1.3Mpxl

Saturn on 2004 february 06th approx. 11:00pm cet, observed in plauen, partly cloudy


saturn on 2004 february 18th approx. 08:30 pm cet, recorded with Digicam - praktika 1.3Mpxl

Saturn on 2004 february 18th approx. 08:30 pm cet, recorded with Digicam - praktika 1.3Mpxl

saturn on 2004 december 10th, recorded with
philips ToUcam PROII and Giotto 1.42
telescope: 10inch newton EQ6 mount

saturn on 2004 december 10th, observed in Kleinfriesen / Plauen /Vogtland. stacking by Giotto1.42
image processing with giotto (Gauss)

saturn on 2004 december 10th, observed in Kleinfriesen / Plauen /Vogtland. image processing by Giotto1.42

HOME to saturn

(c) R.Sehling